Fall 2023 teaching

Graduate course, Washington University in St. Louis, Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, 2023

CSE 538T: Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems

Course Wiki: https://classes.engineering.wustl.edu/cse538-online

Time & Location: Monday and Wednesday, 4:00pm-5:20pm CDT in TBD.

Brief course description

Modern computing systems consist of multiple interconnected components, which all influence performance. The focus of this course is on developing modeling tools aimed at understanding how to design and provision such systems to meet certain performance or efficiency targets, and the trade-offs involved. The course covers Markov chains and their applications to simple queues, and proceeds to explore more complex systems including server farms and how to optimize their performance through scheduling and task assignment policies. The course includes a brief review of the necessary probability and mathematical concepts.
Prerequisite: ESE 326.